Linkedin Messaging System

Some weeks ago one of my connections at was looking for a non well-known man of the automotive industry because, I guess, my contact has something interesting to offer to that man. As they are not directly connected, my contact tried to find the other man by a forward as a third degree connection (the first was me and the second was Ron Bates, maybe the biggest hub on LinkedIn) and today, I still don’t know if he had contacted to that man or not.

Are you seeing the same problem than me?

I think LinkedIn should implement a new and quite a lot more advanced messaging system. Why? Something I see as a positive thing in LinkedIn, that could be discussed later, is that now you can’t send message to anyone you want, because that way and with the current messaging system you avoid some people to suffer in his LinkedIn inbox what they has in their own mailbox: tons of spam, filtering , rules, etc. I see this impossibility to send messages to anyone as a solution, but not as a good one.

Coming back to the real story about my connection and his intend to make contact with some “far away from him on the LinkedIn network” user. Maybe that “someone” user was expecting or searching a guy that could give what my connection has to give, and due to the hard way my connection must does to get to that “someone” , they lack the chance to get connected and do the business they want to or need to.

As a conclusion, in my opinion LinkedIn needs an advanced messaging system that let users not directly connected to communicate keeping in mind two important issues:

  • Let users send messages but with some restrictions so senders cannot spam (for example someone that wants to send a message offering his services to all or some people of a specific industry).
  • Let users configure what kind of message they want to receive (for example, maybe someone don’t want to hear about anyone on some specific industry to communicate, or someone living on a specific country, or if the message contains specific words, or simply whatever they want).

LinkedIn would model an advanced message inbox with different folders for each level of indirection and also with certain folders for specific people, for answers, and also for people that has been tagged in some way. This way each user will have the power to decide what messages want to read, receive or prioritize and as a result, and going back to the story both my contact and the automotive industry man would do business if and only if they want to, without restrictions.

3 Responses to Linkedin Messaging System

  1. hoh says:

    hi there! brilliant suggstions!
    i don’t know if you are aware that you have used exclusive laguage by using he, him and his! you exclude all the women on linked in! may i suggest you use they and theirs one?

    Coming back to the real story about my connection and his intend to make contact with some “far away from him on the LinkedIn network”. Current messaging system you avoid some people to suffer in
    his LinkedIn inbox what they has in their own mailbox: tons of maybe like this?!


  2. Hey hoh,

    you’re right!!! I really miss all women on Linkedin. Sorry for that to you and everybody (both women and men) 😀

    I understand your position on inbox with tons of mails … but why not let the chance to configure this, and let me or you or many people do receive all mails and let others don’t …

    I mean, i think personalization is the future, just to offer the services you need. Maybe a the difference between a service and a tool. A tool is given to be used by someone that fit with what the tool offer while the service is specifically designed to fit in some users preferences and needs.

    That was my point there.

    Thanks a lot for posting and feel free to contact me, i’m open to meet new interesting people.



  3. hoh says:

    hi there!
    just found this on stats!
    nice to see if one gets feedback to ones comments
    i have to tell you i struggled to read through my comment!
    besides the typos, the formatting has broken up
    may i suggest you edit it back into shape or
    delete it!
    it could turn your readers off yr blog!
    hope all is going well with you
    haven’t been to linkedin for ages
    am taken up with my blog
    it takes up way toooo much time!
    all the best

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